The Online Pastor
A place to discover faith, experience God, and navigate life through bible study, practical tips, and interactive communciation.
36 episodes
Q&A: Attraction, Desire, Breakups, Online Dating....
In our final episode for this series, we cover some questions on dating, break-ups and how singles might be offered some language for understanding physical attraction, chemistry, and sexual desire.
Season 4
Episode 10
SingleSelfTalk: How to Talk to Yourself About Being Single
As we wind down our series, I share some personal insights about the way I navigate certain seasons, including being "open" or "closed" to dating, reframing dating as part of spiritual growth, and the great joy of intimacy with Jesus.
Season 4
Episode 9
Ministry to Singles & the Church: Practical Tips to Support the People you love
We get into the nitty-gritty of how churches can shift some assumptions, language, and inclusion of singles in the church. Along the way we give some very practical ways to parents, pastors, congregations and friends on how to journey with peop...
Season 4
Episode 8
Sticks and Stones: What *NOT to say to singles in the church
"Why are you still single?" and other unhelpful (though often well-meaning) comments by people in our community. My most requested topic (by both marrieds and singles) so...hopefully I do some justice to this and create some understanding that ...
Season 4
Episode 7
Single"mess": the struggle is real and it can be hard
Now it's time to get real about some of the struggles of being on your own. (We also get into some practical ways to support your single friends!) Not an exhaustive list, but a good conversation starter... if it has been hard for you share some...
Season 4
Episode 6
Singleness IS a gift...especially when it comes to mastering relationships
We talk about how being single allows you to focus on building healthy friendships and relationships. I also hypothesize that maybe dating today is such a hard experience because we haven't learned to develop healthy friendships before we date,...
Season 4
Episode 4
Party of One: before Eve, there was just Adam...
One little verse shifted my entire perspective on we talk about Adam, naming the animals, and how your season of alone-ness usually contains a specific invitation from the LORD.
Season 4
Episode 3
Party for One: the benefits & joys of singleness
Today we spend some time explicitly naming the benefits of singleness - something we don't do often enough!
Season 4
Episode 5
Party of One: Language correction: Called to Christ, not to be married or single.
Ever had someone ask you if you are "called to be single?" While the intention may be good, the question isn't very helpful... I start off this series by addressing one of my biggest pet peeves with framing the conversation around singleness in...
Season 4
Episode 2
Party for One: The Church, Singleness, and Why We Need an Entire Series
Ever gotten frustrated or felt unseen in your spiritual community as a single person? Or maybe you know singles in your church and don't know how to engage with them. Ever felt like one sermon on the topic didn't even come close to coveri...
Season 4
Episode 1
Stirring Things Up (2 Timothy 1:6)
In this episode I share some personal (not prescriptive) ways I intentionally pursue growth in both my a) natural skills & spiritual gifts & b) renewing my love for who God is and what He can do)
Season 3
Episode 6
Resilient Discipleship: Social Media, Information Overload & Guarding our Hearts
How do we take care of our hearts when we have the entire world accessible on our phones? In an age where we have more information than ever before, it is even more important to think about not just what we know, but why we choose to know (or n...
Season 3
Episode 5
Resilient Discipleship: When God disappoints you... (1 Kings 19)
Ever had a moment (or moments) when God didn't show up like you thought He would? Or you said "yes" and things became more difficult? How we turn towards Him when we might be angry or upset with Him and why these moments are some of the most cr...
Season 3
Episode 4
Resilient Discipleship Con'd: Conundrum of Christian Community
Why is being in community with other Christian's sometimes so difficult? Let's consider the implications of the story of Judas as we talk about the reality of doing life with a group of people who are in need of saving by Jesus.
Season 3
Episode 3
Resilient Discipleship Con'd: How to "Measure" Spiritual Growth
Ever feel like the spiritual transformation journey is like watching paint dry? You don't know when things changed...but at some point...they did. Today we talk about some practical tools to help you (and your spiritual community) talk about ch...
Season 3
Episode 2
Resilient Discipleship (Con'd): The reality of doubt in the life of faith
Were you ever caught off guard by discovering you were less certain about something than you thought? Did that make the uncertainty more difficult? Doubt is actually a very normal part of faith, and was even was part of one of Jesus' closest re...
Season 3
Episode 1
"My" Culture & "God's" Kingdom
How does your background impact your new life with Jesus? How do we grow in awareness that some of our ethnic stories might get spiritualized if we aren't aware of them? I get really personal in this episode - to provoke some questions about Ki...
Season 2
Episode 8
Discipleship & "Daddy" Issues: When Calling God "Father" gets in the way
In the top three things I wish someone had told me earlier (!!) in my journey with Jesus: how our relationship with our earthly father affects and impacts our relationship with our heavenly one.
Season 2
Episode 7
ReFraming the 10 Commandments
Maybe not an obvious discipleship discussion, but...we just talked about sin and I think it is worth thinking about how living out of the full Gospel now, means we have to reframe our understanding of the 10 Commandments in a whole new way!
Season 2
Episode 6
A Most Popular Topic: Sin, Sorrow & Confession
One of these topics that isn't always comfortable to talk about, but must to be part of our conversion and conversation as we follow Jesus! What is sin? How do we live a life in Christ in a broken world?
Season 2
Episode 5
Do you (really) know the Good News? (John 3:16; John 17:3)
When you think of the"good news" or "gospel" what comes to mind? Tune in as we explore how when we don't understand the good news fully we have a hard time living it out NOW!
Season 2
Episode 4
Jesus' Invitation to (Contagious) Courage - John 16.33
Finishing off our introduction to resilient disciples, we are asked to honestly consider if we are people of fear or people of courage. Jesus' invitation to be bold challenges us to trust the Spirit as we step out in faith...and make ours...
Season 2
Episode 3
Pruning: A New Perspective on Pain, Birth & New Life (John 16.33)
How can we grow in our resiliency by learning to expect pain as we follow Jesus? Is it possible that there is a different perspective on the trouble we can expect to experience as Christ-followers? Jump in with us we consider how to develop and...
Season 2
Episode 2
Resilient Disciples: Comfort & the Enemy of Growth
Jump in with us we consider how to develop and become resilient disciples of Jesus! What historical practices do we need to implement? What new practices might be helpful? What obstacles get in the way? And in this episode: how does comfort get...
Season 2
Episode 1
Mary Did You Know...It was going to be so hard? Broken Family at Christmas (Luke 1)
Mary's experience of carrying Jesus inside her was not an easy one. We will take some time to reflect that broken relationships were also likely part of Mary's story before Christ was born...and how we can find the presence of God in the mess.&...
Season 1
Episode 12